
Children in church services - what's for them?

We love having children at our services and want to extend Jesus’ love for them by making church a happy and joyful place where they can feel part of the family.  We provide activity sheets for children which they can use to help them follow the talk and there are plenty of colouring sheets and pencils too.  There is also a retreat space in the entrance if little ones are getting too fractious for your liking.  This is set up with some colouring for them, and the service is relayed through so you can listen along.  There’s a crèche for 0 – 3 year olds in a separate room and you can hear the service in there too.

Sunday School

Sunday | 10.00 – 10.45am | at the church

Between 10.00 and 10.45am each Sunday morning we run Sunday School, meeting together for songs and prayer then splitting into three groups (reception to year 6, years 7 & 8 and years 9 to 11) for Bible teaching, discussion and work sheets.  It’s a great opportunity to learn about Jesus and people in the Bible with friends and complete reward cards for prizes!  Anyone is welcome to join!

ARK for Years 2 - 6

Friday (during term time) | 6.15 – 7.30pm | at the church

ARK (Alexandra Road Kids!) is our Friday night term time group for children in school years 2 to 6.  We meet at church for games (a favourite being dodge ball!), activities, interactive bible teaching and refreshments.  The children can learn short parts of the Bible and earn prizes for remembering these and bringing new friends.  Use the Contact Form below if you would like more information.

Little ARK toddlers' group

Friday (during term time) | 9.30 – 11.00am | at the church

Each Friday during term time between 9.30 & 11.00am we say hello to our ‘Little Arkers’, babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers who join us for play, craft, snacks and story time.  Parents and carers can enjoy a coffee and for many of us it’s an opportunity to share the ups and downs of life with littles and remember we’re not alone!  We love singing with the children at the end of each session and sharing a short Bible story with them.   Use the Contact Form below if you would like more information.

We want to keep you safe and know who to contact if we need to, so we ask that you complete the registration form and bring it along so we have all the necessary details.

All leaders of the children’s activities are DBS checked and have had safeguarding training.  If you would like to see a copy of our safeguarding policy, please let us know.